UV2 Coq-De-Leon Perdigon Fire Tail Feather Packs

UV2 Coq-De-Leon Perdigon Fire Tail Feather Packs

Nature's Golden Pheasant Crest

Nature's Golden Pheasant Crest

Whiting Intro Dry Fly Capes Set

Whiting's Introductory Dry Fly Cape Sets
by Whiting Farms

Whiting Farms exciting new Introductory Dry Fly Hackle Packs feature four high-quality, genetically-bred half-rooster capes all packaged together in one economic bundle. With four varying but popular hatch matching colors always included, they're perfect for both beginning and casual dry fly tiers alike. A refreshingly cost sensitive way to get started tying your own dries without breaking the bank, Whiting's softly priced Dry Fly Intro Packs are guaranteed to please.

***Limited availability, colors, price, and supply are subject to change. Please feel free to call or email for current stock status before ordering.
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